Administrasi Kurikulum 2013 dan Soal Tematik

20 Soal Latihan Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2

Kiranakhatulistiwa – Terdapat 20 Soal Latihan Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD ynag bisa anda gunakan untuk menguji kemampuan siswa. Selain itu dengan memberikannya soal exercise, kemampuan siswa siswi untuk menguasai materi menjadi lebih matang. Soal latihan telling time kelas 2 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini terdiri dari 20 soal yang diantaranya yaitu 10 Pilihan ganda dan 10 soal isian. Silahkan download saja filenya melalui bagian bawah halaman ini.

A.Please write (X) for the correct answers below!

Soal Latihan Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD multiple choice

1.Erica wakes up at …
a.12:45 A.M
b.10:45 A.M
c.11:00 A.M
d.11:45 A.M


2.She takes a bath at …
a.3:00 P.M
b.2:30 P.M
c.3:45 P.M
d.4:30 P.M


3.She arrives at school, and study for 5 hours. It’s a …
a.5:00 A.M
b.5:30 A.M
c.4:00 A.M
d.4:45 A.M

4.What time is that?
a.5:30 A.M
b.6:30 A.M
c.6:45 A.M
d.5:45 A.M


5.It is half past two


6.A: What time is this?

B: It’s 12:20 P.M.

Which one is the right clock for the conversation above?

a.Soal Latihan Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD piihan ganda


7.It is half past twelve
a.10:30 A.M
b.12:00 A.M
c.12:30 A.M
d.12:45 A.M


8.What time is it? It’s a
a.Half past ten
b.Half past two
c.Half past three
d.Half past twelve


9.What time is this?
a.Eight o’clock
b.Seven o’clock
c.Nine o’clock
d.Ten o’clock


10.I should be home by ten. What is that mean?
a.12:00 P.M
b.11:00 P.M
c.10:00 P.M
d.09:00 P.M


B.Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Soal Latihan isian Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD


1.It is half past eleven ___________.
2.It is nine o’clock ___________.
3.It is six fifteen ___________.
4.It is twelve thirty ___________.
5.It is quarter past seven ___________.
6.It is quarter past one ___________.
7.It is quarter to one ___________.
8.It is twelve o’clock ___________.
9.It is quarter to eight ___________.
10.It is quarter past seven ___________.

Silahkan download Soal Latihan Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD di atas melalui tautan berikut :

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