20 Soal Camping Kelas 3 SD Beserta Kunci Jawaban
Kiranakhatulistiwa – Silahkan gunakan 20 Soal Camping Kelas 3 SD Beserta Kunci Jawaban in isebagai salah satu referensi bahan latihan atau exercise siswa untuk melatih serta megnukur kemampuannya terhadap pemahaman materi yang telah diberikan sebelumnya.
Read the text carefully:
My family is taking a camping to Bandung this week. My family and I are very excited because we are going to learn how to make a tent. If the weather is nice, we can even start building a camp fire and roast some food. We will leave for the camp at 08:00 and arrive there by 10:00
Along the car, I see many trees around. Also, I already prepared everything on my backpack, there are things that I carry to the camp such as: a flashlight, first-aid kit, sleeping bag, a knife, and some dried food. This family trip teaches us about nature and to take on vacation.
Me: Yes, mom. Already packed on my …
B: I don’t know, I don’t bring a compass, I only have this map.
What do they have?
Silahkan download Soal Latihan Telling Time Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD di atas melalui tautan berikut :