Administrasi Kurikulum 2013 dan Soal Tematik

20 Soal Things At Home Kelas 3 SD Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Kiranakhatulistiwa – Berikut ini terdapat 20 Soal Things At Home Kelas 3 SD Beserta Kunci Jawaban yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan latihan adik-adik siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar. Soal ini terdiri dari 10 multiple choice dan 1- soal isian.

A.Please write (X) for the correct answers below!

Suburban house illustration Free Vector

My family lives in a small house, but our house is very nice. It has three bedrooms. We cook and eat in the kitchen together. We watch TV in the living room and sit in the sofa. My favorite room is my own bedroom. I like reading books and doing my homework in the study room near my parent’s bedroom. My sisters love running in the hallway, but it is not allowed by my parents, so they build small garden in the backyard. Finally, we can play in the backyard together on the weekend.

1.My family lives in …
a.A small house
b.A big house
c.A mansion
d.A hotel
2.Our house has …
a.Two bedrooms
b.Three bathrooms
c.Three bedrooms
d.Two bathrooms
3.My family usually … and … in the kitchen.
a.A small house
b.A big house
c.A mansion
d.A hotel
4.We watch … in the …
a.A small house
b.A big house
c.A mansion
d.A hotel


5.My favorite room is …
a.A small house
b.A big house
c.A mansion
d.A hotel


6.I like … books and … my homework
a.Reading and Doing
b.Doing and Reading
c.Reading and Working
d.Reading and Exercising


7.My sisters love … in the hallway


8.It is not allowed by my …


9.They build … in our backyard
a.A big garden
b.A big playground
c.A small garden
d.A small playground


10.What they usually do on the weekend?
a.Run on the backyard
b.Play in the backyard
c.Chase in the backyard
d.Walk on the backyard
B.Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1.You sleep in this room. It’s a _____________.
2.My little brother is afraid going to the _____________ just to take a pee.
3.You are taking a _____________ this morning.
4.This is my parent’s _____________.
5.Your mom is cooking a dinner in the _____________.
6.You open the _____________ to take out the fresh milk.
7.You have breakfast, lunch, and dinner in this room. It’s a _____________.
8.You watch TV in this room. It’s a _____________.
9.Your dad takes to the down _____________.
10.Your sister is washing the clothes in _____________ machine.

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